School Tours
Educational School Tours
In an effort to educate the community about farming and agriculture, Councell Farms conducts school tours for about 2,500 school children each September and October, during which students participate in more than 20 farming activities. The school tour includes a learning program, plus time for children to explore other farm activities in the Field of Fun, such as the corn maze. Field trips are especially geared toward kindergarten and first grade. We provide a fun and educational, hands-on learning experience. Please contact Melissa at councellfarms@gmail.com in August to book your fall field trip.

Councell Farms hosts self guided, field trips during the fall. Our Fall educational field trips provide a unique “on the farm” experience for children.
Tours are $10 per child and include a class pumpkin and small individual pumpkin for each child.

Open Daily
General Hours:
Creamery Hours:
Field of Fun Hours:
11773 Old Skipton Road
Weather Policy
Councell Farms adjusts our hours accordingly for weather events and farm conditions. If it is raining, muddy or very wet, Councell Farms will be closed. Please check Facebook to check our farm conditions/closings.
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